City of Sequin header
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/4/2025 5:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-060 1a. PresentationRecognition of Clarence Smith, Director of Electric Utilities, upon his retirement. - Donna Dodgen, Mayor   Action details Not available
25-078 1b. PresentationProclamation declaring the month of February 1-28, 2025 as Career & Technical Education Month in Seguin, Texas. - Donna Dodgen, Mayor   Action details Not available
25-075 1c. Action ItemAnnual Seguin Police Department 2024 Racial Profiling/Citizen Contact Report. - Jason Brady, Police Chief   Action details Not available
25-074 1a. MinutesMinutes of the January 21, 2025 City Council Regular Meeting.approvedFail Action details Not available
25-079 1b. Action ItemCheck Report January 18, 2025 through January 31, 2025.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-056 1c. Action ItemBoards and/or Commission Appointment - Mayor Donna Dodgen a. Guadalupe Regional Medical Center BoardapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-061 1d. Action ItemApproval of reports for the quarter ended December 31, 2024 for the following organizations that receive Occupancy Tax funding. - Susan Caddell, Director of Finance a. Seguin Conservation Society b. Mid-Texas Symphony c. Teatro de Artes de Juan Seguin d. Seguin-Guadalupe County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce e. Seguin Heritage Museum f. Guadalupe County Fair Association g. Seguin LULAC Council #682 h. Seguin Art League i. The Fields of Huber Ranch, LLCapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-053 1e.2025 Street Closures & Sale of Alcohol RequestsDiscussion Item2025 Downtown Street Closures and Sales of Alcohol Requests. - Kyle Kramm, Main Street & CVB Director/HPO.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-014 1f. ResolutionResolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a two-year Facilities Use Agreement between the Seguin Little League and the City of Seguin for use of the Little League Complex and “Smokey” Joe Williams Field; and declaring an effective date. - Jack Jones, Director of Parks and Recreation.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-015 1g. ResolutionResolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a two-year Facilities Use Agreement between the All Youth Sports Organization and the City of Seguin for use of the Seguin Softball 4-Plex and Manuel C. Castilla Park; and declaring an effective date. - Jack Jones, Director of Parks and Recreation.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-016 1h. ResolutionResolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a two-year Facilities Use Agreement between the Seguin Youth Soccer Club and the City of Seguin for the use of Park West and the Seguin Softball 4-Plex; and declaring an effective date. - Jack Jones, Director of Parks and Recreation.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-017 1i. ResolutionResolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a two-year Facilities Use Agreement between the Seguin Youth Sports League and the City of Seguin for the use of Manuel C. Castilla Park; and declaring an effective date. - Jack Jones, Director of Parks and Recreation.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-018 1j. ResolutionResolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a two-year Facilities Use Agreement between the Seguin Volleyball Association and the City of Seguin for use of the volleyball courts at the Seguin Events Complex; and declaring an effective date. - Jack Jones, Director of Parks and Recreation.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-019 1k. ResolutionResolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a two-year Facilities Use Agreement with Seguin Texas Adult Softball and the City of Seguin for use of the Seguin Softball 4-Plex; and declaring an effective date. - Jack Jones, Director of Parks and Recreation.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-020 1l. ResolutionResolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Facilities Use Agreement between the City of Seguin, Texas and the Navarro Independent School District for use of the east side of Max Starcke Park and the Starcke Park Golf Course; and declaring an effective date. - Jack Jones, Director of Parks and Recreation.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-021 1m. ResolutionResolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a two-year Facilities Use Agreement with Texas Lutheran University for use of the Starcke Park Golf Course and the Seguin-Saegert Pickleball Complex; and declaring an effective date. - Jack Jones, Director of Parks and Recreation..approvedPass Action details Not available
25-066 1n. ResolutionResolution authorizing the submission of a Juvenile Justice and Truancy Prevention grant application in conjunction with Seguin Youth Services to fund a truancy reduction, intervention, and prevention program. - Kate McCloud, Grants AdministratorapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-071 1o. ResolutionResolution authorizing the submission of an Urban Area Security Initiative- Regular grant application seeking funding for the Police Department to purchase a speed radar trailer with message board and license plate recognition camera. - Kate McCloud, Grants AdministratorapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-072 1p. ResolutionResolution authorizing the submission of an Urban Area Security Initiative- LETPA grant application seeking funding for the Police Department to purchase a Tactical Armored Van. - Kate McCloud, Grants AdministratorapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-076 1q. ResolutionResolution authorizing the submission of a Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency, Hazard Mitigation Grant Program grant application to fund structural drainage improvement to Walnut Branch Channel. - Kate McCloud, Grants AdministratorapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-058 1r. ResolutionResolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an additional service proposal to the Professional Services Agreement in the amount of $30,000 with Halff & Associates, Inc. for Professional Services relating to the City’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permitting; and declaring an effective date. - Melissa Reynolds, PE, MPA, CFM - Director of Engineering | Capital ProjectsapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-055 1a. ResolutionResolution authorizing the renovation of the restrooms and the construction of a new range ball shed at Starcke Park Golf Course; and declaring an effective date. - Bruce Allen, Golf ManagerapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-073 1b. ResolutionResolution authorizing staff to issue a Request for Proposals to all qualified respondents to RFQ # AF-2025-18 - Kyle Kramm, Main Street & CVB Director/HPOapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-052 1c. ResolutionResolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an Additional Service Proposal to the Professional Services Agreement in the amount of $71,520 with Pape-Dawson Engineers for property descriptions for utility easements and illumination design for the Cordova Road Project CSJ#0915-46-052; and declaring an effective date. - Melissa Reynolds, PE, MPA, CFM - Director of Engineering & Capital ProjectsapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-062 1d. ResolutionResolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Change Order No. 16 in the amount of $88,438.84 for additional costs due to utility upgrades to D&D Contractors, Inc. for the Milam Street Reconstruction Project; and declaring an effective date. - Melissa Reynolds, PE, MPA, CFM - Director of Engineering | Capital ProjectsapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-043 1e. OrdinanceOrdinance on second reading amending the Seguin Unified Development Code, Chapter 5, Section 5.4; providing for an effective date; providing for publication of this ordinance; and authorizing City Staff to submit this ordinance as a supplement to the Code of Ordinances. - Melissa Reynolds, PE, MPA, CFM - Director of Engineering | Capital Projectsapproved on first readingPass Action details Not available
25-044 1f. OrdinanceOrdinance on second reading amending the City of Seguin's Code of Ordinances Appendix C - Fee Schedule, Appendix A - Unified Development Code to amend the sidewalk fee-in-lieu when waiver is granted. - Melissa Reynolds, PE, MPA, CFM - Director of Engineering | Capital Projectsapproved on first readingPass Action details Not available
ZC 26-24_CC 1g. Zoning OrdinanceOrdinance on second reading to consider a zoning change from Multi-family High Density (MF-3) to Commercial (C) for a property located at the 2600-2700 block of State Highway 46 North, Property ID: 172978, (ZC 26-24). - Pamela Centeno, Director of Planning & Codesapproved on first readingPass Action details Not available
ZC 27-24_CC 1h. Zoning OrdinanceOrdinance on second reading to consider a zoning change from Single Family Residential (R-1) to Commercial (C) for property located at 208 Preston Dr., Property ID: 21433, (ZC 27-24). - Pamela Centeno, Director of Planning & Codes.approved on first readingPass Action details Not available
ZC 28-24_CC 1i. Zoning OrdinanceOrdinance on second reading to consider a zoning change from Single Family Residential (R-1) to Commercial (C) for the property located on Preston Dr., Property ID: 59022, (ZC 28-24). - Pamela Centeno, Director of Planning & Codesapproved on first readingPass Action details Not available
ZC 29-24_CC 1j. Zoning OrdinanceOrdinance on second reading to consider a zoning change from Commercial (C) and Agricultural-Ranch (A-R) to Public (P) for six properties located at the 2600 through 3000 block of N Guadalupe Street, Property IDs: 51463,51460, 51459, 51255, 51253, and 51251, (ZC 29-24). - Pamela Centeno, Director of Planning & Codes.approved on first readingPass Action details Not available
25-077 1a. Executive SessionIn accordance with Texas Government Code, Subchapter D, Section 551, the City Council may convene in a closed session to discuss any of the following items, any final action or vote taken will be in public: Section 551.071(2) and 551.072 - Consultation with Attorney and Deliberation Regarding Real Property; to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person for Real Property located along or near FM 467, Deerslayer Drive, New Braunfels Street and or State Highway 123 associated with the Geronimo Creek Force Main project, Cowey & Elm Creek project, North Guadalupe GLO project in Guadalupe County, Texas. Possible action(s) may follow in Open Session.   Action details Not available
25-097 1a. Action ItemAuthorize the City Manager to execute a Purchase Agreement between the City of Seguin and Jim Schubert, Melina S. Schubert, and Mike Mercer, related to the acquisition of approximately 1.01-acres of permanent utility easement, and 0.59-acres as a temporary construction easement, for the Geronimo Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Force Main. - Mark Kennedy, City AttorneyapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-098 1b. Action ItemAuthorize the City Manager to execute a Purchase Agreement between the City of Seguin and Tyson Farms of Texas, Inc., formally known as Holly Farms of Texas, Inc., related to the acquisition of approximately 0.360-acres of permanent easement and right of way, for the North Guadalupe GLO Project. - Mark Kennedy, City AttorneyapprovedPass Action details Not available