Resolution declaring a necessity for the acquisition of a permanent utility easement and temporary construction easement on a parcel of land in the H. Branch Survey, A-6, Guadalupe County, Texas, being on a called 5.730-acre tract of land conveyed to William T. Funderburg and Patricia A. Funderburg recorded in Document No. 2015001341 of the Official Public Records of Guadalupe County, Texas for the purpose of the installation, construction, operation, maintenance, repair, upgrade and removal of multiple water, wastewater and reuse water transmission lines and related above and below group appurtenances on the SH123 12” Waterline Relocation Project and authorizing the institution of condemnation proceedings to acquire said property interest to the extent negotiations are unsuccessful. Council may opt to hold portion(s) of this item in Closed Session, pursuant to Sections 551.071 and 551.072 of the Texas Government Code. Any actions will be taken in Open Session.